SMSF Audit Assistance to Registered SMSF Auditor

We work with various SMSF auditors across Australia, specializing in audit assistance services. Our staff, with over three years of experience, are trained to review financials and work papers, identifying errors and breaches. We are familiar with different SMSF audit tools, such as Cloud Offis, Myworkpapers, onlinesmsfaudit, TatvaSoft, Caseware, and Evolve White. We can also work with Excel templates if preferred.

We prepare audit checklists and upload all supporting documents. We also prepare audit notes, qualifications in the audit report, and letters to management. We identify breaches that need to be reported in audit reports, management letters, and the Auditors Contravention Report (ACR) to the ATO. Additionally, we assist SMSF auditors in drafting the ACR by referencing relevant sections of SISA and other legislation.

Our services include:

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